Friday, April 1, 2011


Here's my online poetrybook HAPPY MOLECULES . a 70 poem collection of "molecular poetry" .It was gone for a few months but now i decided to put it back online :-) hip hey !

1 mittens of snow/ full of crystalstar whispers / a cloud in my hand

2 tiny winterwrens /blowing huge accolades / in the januarisky

3 red winterlight/ streams lukewarm trough old window/carries birdcries

4 dancing tentacle /fire-eating snowflower/strangles summersuns

5 naked tree ornamented /crownjuwels of ice / silence plays a harp

6 little dead angel/trapped in amberlight/smile on your face

7 you put your ear/to the edge of the universe/she whispers her name

8 stars explode/ in dusty uterusses/ pink babydreams

9 the years are dancing/in meadows like farmerdaughters/on an old folksong

10 she in nightgown/ enters the street while flying with a smile/home at last

11 dark cherryhair /dances playfully in the morning/while you awake

12 jasminflowerbud /enfolds like origami /in a bath  full of smells

13 morninglight rises/from the gras halms / your soul awakes

14 dew tapestries rest/under the gasping of light /that runs into the morning

15 after falling all night/ the little lizard crawls/ finally over the rock

16 blueish pluchy hearth /the dull flower that buzzes softly/under the beesting

17 pavement covered with chalkcolours/plans for our future/when we grow up

18 a childhand plucks softly/dust out of the room’s air /collecting the light

19 with an icecream in your hand/trough a rollercoaster spinning/extase melts fear

20  sound of airplanes / trough a sundayafternoons sky/tommorow school

21 hear all the voices/on the playground are singing now/your body fills with it

22 awoke from my sleep/ how long have i been here / season full of dreams

23 butterfly kissing the hand/of a crying babygirl /a rainbow lands

24 giant bouquets /you hold a wind of colours and smell /happiness will cry in your hand

25 pink cheeks /shy or naughty /appleblossom odour

26 your smile opens me /little bells are ringing softly/my hearth blossoms

27 you hide your self/ behind a flowerprinted fan /still i can smell your face

28 your hair full of feathers/glow of nightingale sings/ flourishing paradeyes

29 old boulevards/are filling their longues/ with springbreezes

30 the metrochoir / resounds trough the airgrids / skirt dances on hymns

31 the wallpaper shivers / trough the howling of a train/ like porcelain

32 in the hearth of summer/trains are carrying/empty wagons to the sea

33 forgotten idea / travels with me to the sea / remembered in wave

34 bells of air are spiralling/from the mouths of fishes /to the skin of the sea

35 feet are landing/on thousands grains of sand/ unconsciously

36 quiet waternimph /ripples in her thoughts/around muscled fishes

37 rays of light cutting /wounds filled with colour/in drops of dying rain

38 the showerknob rays/music full of tickling /angelchoirglow

39 flesheating flower/she opens her sugarmouth/only for her self

40 the door blows open /you glide inside so lightly/my breath speeding

41 my hearth rustles magenta /she sneaks inside of me /i pound her rythm

42 swarms of dragonflies/swirling trough the eveningsky/swirling in my ear

43 the sky sings healing/trough a deck of leaves /hear the sunrays

44 caressing her eyelashes/ my lover with closed eyes/the gorgeous death smiles

45 flowing flowers / cry in eyefountains/ tears bubble into erotique

46 the lady comes dancing / trough the door like a fat slice /of fleshy music

47 hear childchoirs / in the singing weath /bread humms in the morning

48 lemons glow/ on balcony of the palace/ where princess looks sour

49 soapbubbles burst / your irises are opening/ catching memories

50 drunk by the lake /you breathe the star/ that reminds you of her

51 mouth on wooden flute/ the player has a message/blow my soul into  you

52 blood on the tombstones/blood in the oranges/ press fruit or sadness

53 little musicmill/ stumbles on tin tones / the start of autumn

54 the autumnleaves rain/by the millions / lost lovers

55 above my hat/bursting clouds tear/ wet sounds across the eveningsky

56 storm in broken glass /that jingles trough the sky / inside the belly of a cloud

57 raindrop tinkles/ from the roof to the eyebrow / of the sleeping cat

58 puddle of rain / gets devine blessing / of cloudshaker

59 hear waterdrops/ hold strange talks in kettles /story of rain

60 dirty puddle of mud / shoesoles sucking  dark drops/cleaning her soul

61 worn out corner of a house /murmurs old complaints/to the rain

62 she falls between raindrops/a cast of millions / on the edges of the earth

63 eyes of your child telling / you ‘ll dissapear forever  in them / like rain in the sea

64 look inside the autumwind/smile on your old face/ breath of inner child

65 toys lying lonely /untouched since years /never with those hands again

66 with old fingers /a dying man plays piano / nursery  rhyme

67 the dignity of grandfather /proud of manhood trough years/dung for roses

68 confetti bursts loose/little blue candles dancing/your last breath

69 eyes of animals /stars glowing around me /my reflection in you

70 when we meet/happy molecules/recognizing past lives

copyright EUROPOETS (free online indiepoetry )

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